Church – Castle – Community: Old Bolingbroke

The National Lottery Heritage Fund is investing more than £220,000 in Old Bolingbroke to fund repairs to the church and a programme of community activities. The PCC and Friends of St Peter & St Paul have agreed to work with Heritage Lincolnshire to create a new accessible trail and a film about the church’s history, as well as hosting a series of talks and events.

Developing the skills of volunteers, both existing and new, to support and develop heritage and community opportunities is an important part of the Church – Castle – Community project. We want to acknowledge the skills already available within the community, as well as identify where we can extend these, making the contribution provided by volunteers even more enjoyable and productive.  Please consider filling out the form below if you are already a volunteer or assist with any aspects already –  relating to the church the castle or the community, or if you might consider helping in the future.

Your email address is required but will only be used to contact you about volunteering and training opportunities during the lifetime of this project (until summer 2025). You can opt out at any time and your information will never be shared.



Church - Castle - Community Volunteer Skills Survey

Please consider filling in this form to help us prioritise training opportunities through the NLHF funded Church - Castle - Community project. Please provide your contact details and for each type of support, let us know if you are already involved, whether you're interested in this type of volunteering or assisting and whether or not you would like training in this activity.


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Activity & event planning and delivery
Archival & historic research
Churchyard care & maintenance
Financial & fundraising
Hosting and welcoming visitors, visitor displays
Manual handling (e.g. moving chairs and tables for events)
Information technology inc. website & social media
Historic building maintenance
Tour guide/talk delivery
Working with and recruiting other volunteers
Writing interpretation e.g. guide leaflet
First Aid