Layers of History online courses
Landscapes govern our experience of everyday life. We live, work and travel through landscapes - some of us in rural landscapes, some of us in urban ones. The influence of the landscape on how we live is often taken for granted and the way people have shaped the land over time is often little understood, particularly in rural landscapes.

Introduction to Landscape Studies
This online course provides a basic overview of how archaeologists look at and interpret landscapes to better understand their historic development. The course introduces some of the techniques used to investigate landscapes and the information and examples given relate to Lincolnshire and focus on rural landscapes. However, the techniques and methodologies discussed are also relevant outside the boundaries of the county.

The Medieval Settlements of Lincolnshire
It may come as a surprise to many people, but almost every settlement in modern Lincolnshire can not only trace its origins back to the medieval period or earlier. It is also likely to have some remains of its medieval past surviving to the present day. So, if you look around your village or town, you are actually looking at a settlement that formed part of an extensive, varied and vibrant medieval landscape.

Military history and the Lincolnshire Landscape
A broad subject that documents the details of battles, equipment and uniforms in use in history, and also examines the impact on the societies involved as well as the aftermath of conflicts. Military history has left its mark in the landscape in a variety of ways, either through physical impacts such as buildings and earthworks, but also in more subtle ways such as artefact scatters on the sites of battles.

Parks and Gardens
We hope you will enjoy taking this course to discover more about Lincolnshire’s designed parks and gardens. It should help you spot any noteworthy features to reveal more about the lives of the families who owned the land. It will examine ways landowners adapted and improved their settings, firstly for practical purposes and, later, for artistic effect and beauty.