The Red Trail : Shorter Route
Starting Point: War Memorial
A gentle ramble through the historic sites of the town centre, with a Spotters Guide for children to "Get a Handle on History"!
Expected Completion Time: 1-2hrs
03 Start at the War Memorial
04. Old Magistrates' Courts
05. St Botolph's Church
07. Shodfriars Hall
10. Blackfriars Theatre
11. The Guildhall
12. Finish at Fydell House
Photo Copyright Push Creativity 2022. All photos used with permission from Push Creativity

List of Stops

Brought to you by Boston College Students & Heritage Lincolnshire
"Come on a FREE heritage trail" Star
"Kids Spotter's Tour" Karolina
"Bring along your dogs to take the long or short route" Azlea
"Upgrade your knowledge with a side of coffee" Adina
"We are waiting for you" Marius

03 War Memorial - An Immortalising Memorial
The memorial was erected as a tribute to the people of Boston who went missing or were killed during the two World Wars. A total of 348 names date to the First World War and soon after the end of the Second World War another 215 names were added.
Open to the Public
Kayleigh Severn-Smith

04 Old Magistrates' Courts - Magistrates on the Market: The Sessions House
Little has been changed about the building during its 180-year history. The front exterior is very imposing, thanks to its Gothic style, and when looking at its crenelated towers you can't help but think it looks like a castle. However, if you go round to the back of the building, the architectural style looks more like a church!
Currently in Use as a Gym
Adina Balcina

05 St Botolph's Church (The Stump) - Wool, Cotton & Ghostly Grey Ladies
St Botolph's Church, affectionately known to locals as 'The Stump' was built in 1309. The tower is one of the tallest medieval towers in the country. The Stump sits within the historic heart of Boston, and the town developed around it.
Open to the Public
Stefania Onua-Giliciu

07 Shodfriars Hall - Timber Framed Guildhall to Music Hall
A historical monument with a beautiful, detailed interior, built in the 15th Century and renovated in 1874. A most striking timberframed building at three storeys. It also saw the stage debut of Britain's first drag queen.
Not Open to the Public at Present
Millie Jones

10 Blackfriars Theatre - Plays in the Priory
Even though the rest of the five-acre friary has
been lost, it is likely that today's Blackfriars building would have sat on the southern edge of the cloister courtyard. Following extensive alterations and restoration works, the newly converted theatre opened in 1966.
Open to the Public
Molly Epton

11 The Guildhall - Jail Cell Selfies!
St Marys Guild was founded in 1260, it had grown wealthy and by 1390 it had built the Guildhall. It is the earliest brick building in Boston, and possibly even the whole county. It's currently used as a visitor information centre and local museum.
Open to the Public, Wed-Sat 10:30am-3:30pm, last admission 3:00pm
Azlea Feeley

12 Fydell House -Queen Anne Style
Described as the grandest house in town, it was home to the prestigious Fydell Family who lived in the house for 140 years.
Open to the Public
Karolina Smaizyte
Get a Handle on History - Kids' Spotter's Guide
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

If you can go inside Boston's Stump, see if you can find this beastly door handle. We asked you 'what animal do you think it is?'

Your mission was to see if you could spot the doors in these photos, whilst journeying on the Shorter Red Route.
Did you get the answers right? Check below and let us know how you did on social media.
Ask your adults if they want to upload photos to social media of
you taking part using the hashtag
#HandlingBostonsHistory, the team behind this tour would love to see you!