With your support, we can continue to run the county's favourite heritage festival for years to come. How Much Would You Like to Donate?* £25.00 Other If Other, how much would you like to donate (in £) Are you able to Gift Aid your donation?* Yes - Yes, I want all donations I've made to the Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire since April 2014 and all donations in future to be treated as Gift Aid donations until I notify you otherwise No, I cannot Gift Aid at this time Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 28p from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation go further. If you are a UK tax payer and want to take advantage of Gift Aid, please confirm the statement below by ticking the check box provided.Name First Last Email Reference If you are an organiser, and your donation is to help cover the costs of the additional services you have requested, please use the reference [*your organisation/name* – HODS2022]. E.g. Heritage Lincolnshire - HODS2022Address Street Address Address Line 2 City Postcode Total £ 0.00 Credit CardCard Details Cardholder Name Thank you for your support!