Boston Townscape Heritage Project – Have Your Say!

We are entering the final months of the Boston Townscape Heritage Project, which has transformed the heart of Boston over the past four years. This project has rejuvenated Boston's historic centre through a series of shopfront schemes in the Market Place, Pump Square and Dolphin Lane, public realm works and a series of engagement events such as the Boston Heritage Skills Festival, Boston Youth Ambassadors Group and supporting the Boston Hanse Group. Heritage Lincolnshire and Boston Borough Council have been working together to deliver the project funded through a partnership between National Lottery Heritage Fund and Boston Borough Council. Aimed at supporting business owners, local people and local contactors to celebrate Boston.

Now is pivotal. We would love to hear your thoughts on the project! What difference have these improvements made to your local area? What has been a highlight of the project for you? Fill out the short 5 min survey below to let us know what you think:

Boston Townscape Heritage Project  Survey (