Great work experience

Hello my name is Xander Eden I’m from St. Georges secondary school in Sleaford I want to become a builder when I’m older but I picked Heritage Lincolnshire due to me having pick GCSE history and thought that it might help my understanding in class.

Heritage Lincolnshire is a lovely charity that looks after and preserves historical sights not just locally but all over the country. My days of which I spent with them had to be the best few days ever I loved being with them and meeting the people that help the cause, everyone is so kind and friendly and always want to know how I am and what I’ve been doing.

Everything they do is for all communities to preserve the old history of the town, village or citys that they are called to, the work they do is outstanding every time I walk in everyone is working and doing well, the work they do is so helpful in protecting and restoring history for millions of years to come.

My favourite and best part was going out with the geophysicists team and we went out to a long barrow site and scanned for them (in the rain and the wind) but it was worth it the results were amazing with two found on one site, and learning about them was cool because they are so old and who knows what is still preserved in them. I didn’t have any bad parts I enjoyed it all and I always approached everything in a happy manner even when I wasn’t feeling too well.

So in conclusion I would defiantly recommend this awesome and amazing work experience definitely if you’re into history, geography or even just local heritage, I think it would help my understanding in my GCSE history class and the things that come up in lessons at school and I hope they keep protecting England’s awesome and incredible history more years to come.

X.Eden   26/3/18