The Vikings are coming!

VESR (Visitor Economy Services and Retail Group) CIC are partnering with Heritage Lincolnshire to develop an exciting new project with National Lottery Heritage Fund Heritage Starter Fund investment.  

The project will offer a broad and varied programme of learning and volunteering opportunities to celebrate Grimsby’s Viking heritage and its importance as a Viking trade centre. We want to work with local schools, groups, and societies to enable the community to discover their Viking past, learn skills, legends, and history, and find creative ways to express their shared Viking identity.  

Activities will include heritage crafts, Viking camps, co-creation of props and costumes for a Viking parade, linking with Scandinavian heritage & music projects and the creation of performance pieces which re-tell the stories of Grim the Viking.  

The highlight of the project will be a 3-day celebration event where stories of the past will be told through song, dance, exhibits, demonstrations, talks and hands-on-activities. The event will include a spectacular opening ceremony, living history camp, battle re-enactment, live music and storytelling, street food, heritage craft market, talks, workshops, parade and closing ceremony.  

We want to encourage local participation so if you would like to get involved or find out more about the project, please contact