Google Maps

Looking further afield
Topic 1: Google Maps

Looking at Google maps can be a good place to start as you can pick up earthworks that are not necessarily visible on the ground. It can also show you the shape and size of fields.

This is Heapham in West Lindsey
By looking at the modern village from above, we can get an indication of the layout of the medieval village.
Close to the centre of the village the fields and properties are quite small and irregular in shape and alignment.
This suggests that these were enclosed land before parliamentary enclosure in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Along the southern edge of the photograph, a modern airfield with straight lines and mathematically calculated curves,
is superimposed upon the landscape
But the main east-west road is more irregular. This could indicate that this road follows the route of a medieval street.
At the east end of the village you can see a pond and in the centre is a medieval church surrounded by small enclosed fields
The north-south road to the east of the church is also quite irregular and is surrounded by small enclosed plots
At the north end of this road is a large field containing the traces of earthworks, including a rectangular moat.
This could indicate the position of the medieval manor that the village served.
To the north of the village are a number of very straight broad roads which look as though they have been drawn on the landscape
with a ruler. These are probably roads laid out during enclosure of the former open fields by act of parliament during
the 18th or 19th century.